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The Yellowstone River Conservation District Council developed a set of voluntary recommended practices to promote an ecologically sustainable river that is necessary for preserving the long-term economic viability of residents and communities who rely on the Yellowstone River. They are offered as guidelines provide technical and practical information to help stakeholders identify potential problems or opportunities and to direct them towards a course of action that fits their objectives and maintains river integrity.  The Council is developing two working groups based on these recommended practices to develop implementation approaches that include outreach and educational activities, agency coordination, restoration project priorities, and future data collection needs.  The two working groups under development are for “Irrigation Water Management” and “Invasive Woody Plant Control”  The work group objectives and goals are attached below.

Irrigation Water Management Working Group – Objectives and Goals 

Invasive Woody Plant Control Working Group – Objectives and Goals

       Check out our success story-Mission Creek Yellowstone River Russian Olive Project Success Story-Final


Please check out the Yellowstone River Conservation District Councils Recommended Practices and Position Statement Document.

Work Group activities and other information will be updated on this page as they occur.


Russian Olives

Yellowstone River CDC

Russian Olive issue description and management on the Yellowstone River, Montana

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